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Impact-Resistant Glass in Springfield

Advanced Window and Door Distribution is your best area supplier for industry leading impact-resistant glass solutions in Springfield. Securing your household against the destructive force of hurricanes and storms is of utmost importance, and our selection of premium Pella impact-resistant windows and doors provides superior protection while boosting your sense of security.

Upgraded Home Protection with Impact-Resistant Glass

Protect your home from the damaging forces of hurricanes and severe storms using our impact-resistant glass solutions. While no building is 100% hurricane-proof, our offerings offer an additional barrier of safety and security, helping to reduce the risks associated with broken windows and doors during intense weather events.

Better Protection from the Elements

Review the durability of our impact-resistant glass, which includes an remarkably tough polymer layer sandwiched between two panes of glass. This cutting-edge design reinforces the glass, preserving its structure even when shattered, thus basically avoiding damage and injuries caused by wind, water, and debris. Whether placed on the interior or exterior pane of insulating glass, our composite glass ensures maximum performance and lasting durability.

Impact-resistant glass cross section
Added Safety and Security of Impact Resistant Glass

Added Safety and Security

In the knowledge of by knowing that the impact-resistant glass by Pella not only handles the fury of hurricane-force winds but also discourages forced entry. The interlayer is engineered to withstand penetration, even when the glass is shattered, providing enhanced protection against intruders. Using our cutting-edge products, the necessity for hurricane shutters becomes unnecessary, simplifying your house's security.

Tested to Meet Strict Building Codes

Advanced Window and Door Distribution strongly believes in products that provide quality and reliability. Pella's impact-resistant glass is repeatedly examined to adhere to tough building codes, such as the strict ASTM E1996 missile D rating. Pella submits their glass to rigorous examinations, including simulating a 2"x4" projectile impacting it at a velocity of 50 feet per second and subjecting the window to a rigorous 9,000 cycles of hurricane pressures. These tests ensure that our windows and doors stay, effectively safeguarding your house against extreme weather.

Benefits Year After Year

When it’s not hurricane season, our impact-resistant glass offers additional advantages that enhance your living experience:

  • Dramatic Noise Reduction: Benefit from a calmer home setting with the laminated glass, designed to diminish outside disturbances such as traffic and mower noises.
  • Superior Fade Protection: Our impact-resistant Low-E insulating glass reduces nearly 100% of damaging UV rays, protecting your furniture, carpet, and window treatments from fading.
  • Valuable Financial Benefits: Invest in enhancing your property's equity and potentially reducing insurance premiums with the durable windows and doors from Pella.
  • Improved Safety and Security: Rest assured knowing that the impact-resistant glass from Pella offers improved security against forced entry, reinforcing the safety of your home and your loved ones.

Opt for Advanced Window and Door Distribution for top-of-the-line Impact-Resistant Glass Solutions in Springfield. Our dedication to quality, dependability, and client contentment guarantees that your home remains shielded throughout the year, regardless of weather fluctuations. Reach out to us today to discover more about our Pella impact-resistant windows and doors available at wholesale prices shipped to your doorstep.